2023-08-02 slc

An exciting #CastFest in Berlin with Xandircaster. I spent some amazing days in a #green #slc with #crutches in Germany’s capital and did lots of publicking, including a journey in public train transport. It was an exciting weekend and many thanks to my casting buddy for his great hospitality!

22 Sep 2023: new adventure

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2022-03 llc – Cast Camp

At this years #CastCamp I had the chance to wear a good old #plaster #LLC! I wore this cast for a total of 11 days and so it hat more than enough time to get completely dry and develop the nice glossy surface. And of course, I collected millions of signatures and drawings on my #BrokenLeg — thanks to all of you who virtually signed my cast. And to make the retro look complete, I decided to use #underarmCrutches which are very uncommon in Europe.

28 Jul 2023: videos added

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2023-07 lats

An exciting adventure with a #plastercast #lats applied by a cute fellow caster as #AccidentalTourist in mid Germany. I had an exciting long weekend with a couple of friends and lots of signature collections. We did our drink ordering also via the cast with was a lot of fun for the waiter, who also signed the cast in the end.

10 Jul 2023: new adventure

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2015-07 llc

Had a grave knee injury and thus I had to wear this #blue full leg cast for a week. I was on #crutches all the time and was not able to hit the ground with my sexy long toes. My knee was immobilized in a #fibercast and I went out to have fun every sunny day in this hot restrictive #llc

03 Jul 2023: xxx video added

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