2019-03 sss – CastCamp

During our annual #CastCamp I had the chance to wear a really sexy single shoulder spica #sss! The special effect on this #red #fibercast was the #spreaderbar between torso and wrist. In my personal opinion, this was super sexy and made it even more restrictive for clothing. This was a really nice variation of a #shoulderspica which I can really recommend!

12 Jun 2023: xxx pictures added

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  • That a really cool SS cast. I’d love to wear a cast like this one day. The color of your cast is absolutely great, very noticeable, but the best thing about the whole cast is the spreader bar.

  • This is an amazing SSS … love the pictures wish I could see some more and vidéos with you in it 😉

  • Hipspica0815

    This Shoulder Spica is definitely the best I ever saw. The spreader-bar makes it very attractive. Hopefully There are more pictures and videos coming up soon.

  • sneakcaster77

    Really sexy!!! Great colour combination as usual with your socks, shorts and sneaks

    • gay-skater-caster

      Thanks my dear! Yes, I love it, when all the colors match. And this cast was really exciting. The spreader bar is simply hot!!!

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