2023-06 llc

An exciting #CastFest with castmanDE and BjörnsArt, where we decided to go in partner look with a #red #llc each. And of course, we had matching clothes on as well. We were an eye catcher for lots of people and we were asked by others more than ever before! It was an exciting weekend at the sea side with lots of relaxing moments in the sun…

17 Jul 2024: videos added

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2023-04 slwc

Took the chance of the long weekend of labour day and had a #green #slwc with #castshoe for five amazing days with lots of publicking in best German weather condition. Did several bike trips around the harbor and airport and got so many exciting views and talks with foreigners, especially at the sports shop!

15 Jul 2024: videos added

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2023 Year Review

Dear fellow Caster

An exciting year came to an end and its time to wish you a Casted Christmas and a Kinky New Year! If you want, I’ll take you on a crutch through my casted year 2023…

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2022-03 llc – Cast Camp

At this years #CastCamp I had the chance to wear a good old #plaster #LLC! I wore this cast for a total of 11 days and so it hat more than enough time to get completely dry and develop the nice glossy surface. And of course, I collected millions of signatures and drawings on my #BrokenLeg — thanks to all of you who virtually signed my cast. And to make the retro look complete, I decided to use #underarmCrutches which are very uncommon in Europe.

28 Jul 2023: videos added

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