2022 Year Review
Dear fellow Caster
I’d like to take the chance and wish you a Marry Castmas and a Kinky New Year! Now its time to say goodbye to 2022 with a small review…

Some facts and figures from the ending year:
- 8 cast adventures
- including a term cast adventure
- including a summer escape with a fellow caster and a waterproof #slc
- 55 days in cast (actually, it’s nights in cast, so even more days…)
- including a 3 weeks term #slwc
- 79 cast points (casted joints per night)
My lifetime statistics are now by end of 2022:
- 180 adventures
- 1052 nights in a cast
- 1513 cast points
This is the compilation of all adventures:

A quick walk through the past year:
And finally some charts: