short leg cast (#SLC), short leg walking cast (#SLWC), long leg cast (#LLC), long leg walking cast (#LLWC)

2016-05 llc – CastFest

I broke my tibia and fibia and got this hughe restrictive full leg cast. This is my first #fibercast with #glow in the dark! Its really amazing and I had lots of fun takting the pix. I could not reach the floor with my toes because the angle in the knee was really restrictive. I  had to use #underarm #crutches all the time. And I went to the annual party and met lots of interesting new and known caster on that #CastFest!

13 Jan 2022: videos added

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2015-09 llc

After an achilles tendon rupture I got his heavy restrictive full leg cast with 90 degree angle in my knee and pointing down foot. It was heavy to walk with since I couldn’t even touch the ground with my toes. I had to hop around on #crutches all the time! I chose signal #red as color for this #fibercast #llc to publick together with a fellow caster in southern Germany as #AccidentalTourist for a long weekend.

08 Dec 2021: videos added

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2010-07 slc

My broken ankle in a #green leg cast. Only my toes are sticking out of the cast that reaches up to my knee. Went out for a little bit of party, including a fancy foam party, which was really great. The rest was usual things like visiting some friends, having fun, enjoying the sun in this sexy #slc with #castshoe

23 Aug 2021: videos added

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