2023 Year Review
Dear fellow Caster
An exciting year came to an end and its time to wish you a Casted Christmas and a Kinky New Year! If you want, I’ll take you on a crutch through my casted year 2023…

Probably the largest gay cast fetish site in the world!
Dear fellow Caster
An exciting year came to an end and its time to wish you a Casted Christmas and a Kinky New Year! If you want, I’ll take you on a crutch through my casted year 2023…
At this years #CastCamp I had the chance to wear a good old #plaster #LLC! I wore this cast for a total of 11 days and so it hat more than enough time to get completely dry and develop the nice glossy surface. And of course, I collected millions of signatures and drawings on my #BrokenLeg — thanks to all of you who virtually signed my cast. And to make the retro look complete, I decided to use #underarmCrutches which are very uncommon in Europe.
28 Jul 2023: videos added
Continue reading »During our annual #CastCamp I had the chance to wear a really sexy single shoulder spica #sss! The special effect on this #red #fibercast was the #spreaderbar between torso and wrist. In my personal opinion, this was super sexy and made it even more restrictive for clothing. This was a really nice variation of a #shoulderspica which I can really recommend!
12 Jun 2023: xxx pictures added
Continue reading »The #CastCamp 2024 is set for 02 Mar 2024 to 09 Mar 2024 at Denmark’s North Sea region Blåvand.
Continue reading »The #CastCamp 2023 is set for 04 Mar 2023 to 11 Mar 2023 at Denmark’s North Sea region Blåvand.
Continue reading »The annual #CastCamp in Denmark took place and we had again a really great week with lots of casts and fun and publicking! This year in CC17 I jenoyed a #green #slwc with #toeplate and #walkingheel. Additionally, I got a #lats with something brand new: a #fingerplate! Was really an amazing feeling and definetely not the last #CastCamp
24 Jan 2022: videos added
Continue reading »Good news, my friends of rigid bandages! We set the date for the next Cast Camp in 2022! We hope, this gives you enough time to adjust your planning and the world to get mostly rid of the pandemic. So if everything goes well, we shall go to mid Denmark to the west coast of the North Sea and the region is called Blåvand. Start date is 19 Mar 2022!
Continue reading »During our annual #CastCamp I tried to put on some really cozy sox with my richt arm stuck in a heavy thick #plastercast #lac! Watch out, how professional and green OP dressed we are preparing my great immobilization of my two arms in a #dLATS !
08 Sep 2021: videos added
Continue reading »My #red #minerva cast during our #CastCamp in Denmark. Was my second neck and torso cast ever and it was again really amazing in this restrictive cast. Had problems with eating and even drinking! But it was a really exciting adventure.
01 Sep 2021: pix added
Continue reading »In preparation for my minerva cast during the annual #CastCamp in Denmark I wore a #philly #neckbrace for the day of arrival and departure. This very common and super restrictive #brace didn’t allow me to turn my head and people stared at me a lot in the restaurant.
01 Jul 2021: new adventure online
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