2020 Year Review – Happy and Casted New Year
Dear fellow Caster
The year 2020 is nearly over and its time to look back to this crazy year…

Personally, it was quite challenging for me as you may have noticed: Not many casts, despite the corona-stay-home recommendations (yes, in Germany it was only a recommendation). Anyhow, I had significantly less casts this year as the figures below will show. I’ve told some of your the story behind it.
So whats the outcome of 2020?
- Just 5 casts, but 1 minerva cast during the super exciting #CastCamp in Denmark
- I spent 29 days in a cast
- That made 43 “cast points”
- But on top I had 3 exciting term brace adventures!

Find my personal “best of” compilation in this nice review #video:
And here some statistic pictures: