2006-08 slwc
During a caster meeting in 2006, we founded our annual cast fest in Denmark. #CastCamp in Denmark was born and I wore a #white #fibercast #slwc with #toeplate and #walkingheel . It is a walking cast and a cycling cast!

Probably the largest gay cast fetish site in the world!
During a caster meeting in 2006, we founded our annual cast fest in Denmark. #CastCamp in Denmark was born and I wore a #white #fibercast #slwc with #toeplate and #walkingheel . It is a walking cast and a cycling cast!
I broke my ellbow and got a heavy thick #plastercast #lats on my complete arm! Had this full arm cast for several days and was able to take some pix in an ambulance car being treated by a sexy paramedic.
Continue reading »Because of a dislocated shoulder I had to wear this fancy #shoulderBrace. Took some cool pix in this restrictive brace!
The #red #SLWC with #walkingheel worn in spring 2006 for a long weekend visiting Hamburg as accidental tourist…
Got this massive hughe restrictive shoulder cast after a surgery of my left shoulder. Could do anything with my left arm. It just was sticking all the time in front of my nose and it was really hard to come around. Even dressing was impossible, so I was half naked all the time, although all my torso was coverd by this #blue #fibercast #sss.
Continue reading »One of my best casts ever: A #plastercast #llwc with #walkingheel! So sexy heavy and restrictive hughe — simply too short for a weekend. Never the less, I had a great weekend with lots of fun in it! And finnally, I really messed the cast up in the mud!
Continue reading »A #term cast #safs with 3 finger in made of #blue and #white #fibercast. I wore it for 3 weeks and got lots of signatures on it. Was my first arm term cast. And my last one since now…
The #plastercast #dlats worn for a weekend. This was the first (but not last) time I was completely helpless. What a great weekend in this heavy restrictive #combo ! Had to be cut down to a single #lats far to soon…
Continue reading »Accidental tourist on Mallorca with a #softcast #slc and #crutches . My first cast holiday ever in 2004 — lot more will follow!
Just a quick photo shooting with my dual #aircast #walker . I like this #brace brand, since it looks quite heavy and thick. And you can really fixate your ankle with it!