2004-02 llc

For sure one of my masterpieces! The #plastercast #llc made by 4 friends! The casting itself was great being wrapped up by so many people. And the result was a really perfect smooth and shapy leg cast. Not thick and clumpy at all! I really love those casts. My best long leg cast ever!

14 Jan 2021: videos recovered

The Pix


Enjoy some #xxx rated pictures

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Some #videos of this adventure

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  • Wow that Picture where you are casted and your cock is hard is so hot. I would like to be casted like that.

    • gay-skater-caster

      thank you my dear! this plaster LLC was a super hot master piece, indeed!!!

      • The pic with the close up look of your wooly socked toes is amazing. That is the really oldschool look I love so much.

        • gay-skater-caster

          indeed. This is really hot oldschool. good old plaster cast plus wool sock. A dream!

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