2015-10 fbc

The biggest cast I ever wore: 2 fellow caster put me into a #blue full body cast #fbc!!! This #fibercast housing was absolutely restricting and I was unable to do anythind for the whole 3 days from Friday to Sunday! I really had a great time in this cast unable to do anything. They took care of me and it was perfect. Very comfortable for both, sitting and lying!

04 Sep 2020: xxx pix added

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2014-07 slwc

I was invited to a birthday party and I was hardly thinking not going, because of my broken ankle packed in a #black cast. I got a #castshoe on for walking but it hurted a lot and I could hardly walk in this short leg cast. But in the end I decided to go and have a glass on champagne and all the pain was forgotten and I spent all day in the hammock with my #slwc and no one knew, that this was a rec #fibercast.

22 Jun 2020: more pix added

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2015-05 lats

I was in Berlin as #AccidentalTourist for 4 days with a couple of friends for visiting other friends and sightseeing in our huge capital. I got a pretty nice bright shining #yellow #fibercast #LATS applied from a friend of mine and we spent some cool days in Berlin, including a visit at the Otto Bock store — some of you might know what they do 😉

18 Jun 2020: x-pix added

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