2004-01 sac
A #purple #softcast #sac . Just to play a couple of days on the weekend. Quickly applied, quickly removed without any tools…

Probably the largest gay cast fetish site in the world!
A #purple #softcast #sac . Just to play a couple of days on the weekend. Quickly applied, quickly removed without any tools…
A holiday next to a klinik. I couldnt resist, I had 3 different #brace with me for a holiday: #donjoy , #miamiJ, #aircast . Lots of sightings on #crutches caused me the need to go out on crutches and #kneebrace aswell as with an aircast #walker and Miami J #neckbrace to publick under the other patients…
Just a nice weekend with my #donjoy #kneebrace. Nothing special but anyway nice, if you are bored and alone at home and have some fun in a #brace . I strongly recommend to go out in such a brace! Its easy!
An #Allgöver #brace for total foot load removal. Quite strange to walk in this type of #walker but definetely a great feeling! Unfortunately, this #legbrace was far too big for me.
A #plastercast #slwc with #walkingheel and #toeplate worn in September 2003. Lots of action in this cast: Shopping at IKEA and much much fun at a private party with a dozen friends. And of course lots of signatures on my cast!
Continue reading »A #white #fibercast #safs worn for a long weekend. I got lots of signatures on it since I went out with it on parties and with some friends…
My #green #fibercast #llwc worn for a couple of days in sunny april of 2003. Acurally a great cast and easy to walk in. Finally, I got a visit from an other caster and we had a really great time twosome!!!
One of my favourite set of pix: the #red #fibercast #lats worn for a whole week in 2003. One of those pix got my avatar pic for many many years and this cast is definetely one of my best ones ever!
Enjoy the probably famoust set of pix of The Gay-Skater-Caster!
One of my first #term casts: a #blue #slc with #crutches. I wore it over christmas and new year, visited my family and many friends. I had this cast for 4 weeks.
My first rec #term cast ever: a plastercast safts after “breaking” my all finger in a door. I wore it for 6 weeks at university and all my mates signed it. This was when I was infected with the rec-cast-virus… This #safs made of #fibercast in #pink — only real men wear pink! In combination with the skater style definetely an eye catcher over the weekend and lots of fun on playgrounds and in gay bars…