2009-08 safs
A 3 finger #SAFS worn for the Christopher Street Day Weekend in Hamburg. Had a great day and lots of gays staring on my bright #orange #fibercast
26 Mar 2021: xxx videos added
Continue reading »Probably the largest gay cast fetish site in the world!
A 3 finger #SAFS worn for the Christopher Street Day Weekend in Hamburg. Had a great day and lots of gays staring on my bright #orange #fibercast
26 Mar 2021: xxx videos added
Continue reading »A sunny weekend in April and a broken ankle in a #blue leg cast. Not very restrictive but tourist compatible and sexy with short skater pants! Went out with it and enjoyed the sun at Hamburgs harbour. Some really great spring days with this blue #fibercast #slwc with #castshoe .
22 Mar 2021: videos added
Continue reading »My first #camouflage #fibercast! I got the #SLWC with #toeplate and #walkingheel plus a tight #LATS for our annual cast fest in Denmark #CastCamp and wore the SLWC for 10 days and the LATS for 5 days.
19 Mar 2021: videos added
Continue reading »My new years cast of 2013 is a #pink #fibercast #slc. Find here now pix showing me in your outside whirlpool and enjoying the new year as #AccidentalTourist in a cozy holiday house…
15 Mar 2021: videos added
Continue reading »I visited some caster friends in mid Germany as #AccidentalTourist in my #black #orange #fibercast #slwc with #walkingheel and #toeplate and we did some really great photo shootings! Of course the one and the other nice #videos was also done!
05 Mar 2021: videos recovered
Continue reading »Because of my broken ankle I had to wear this light #blue short leg #fibercast and I was hopping around on #crutches all the time. Never the less, I had lots of fun with my broken leg in this #slc
01 Mar 2021: videos recovered
Continue reading »Every year in May, the German Cast Shop invites for its big cast shop party to meet other caster and test new equipment and cast brands. Thus, I applied this #orange #fibercast #LLC and joined this event on #crutches of course.
26 Feb 2020: videos added
Continue reading »Broken leg casted in a thick #fibercast for a long time! This shiny spring #yellow #slwc with #toeplate and big fat #walkingheel was a really great adventure! Enjoyed the spring sun, publicked a lot and enjoyed myself and my cast with a cozy #blue terrycloth padding!
17 Feb 2021: videos added
Continue reading »Because of a twisted elbow I spend some time in this fluorescent #orange full arm cast. With this restrictive #fibercast #lats I went to Berlin with my friends for a short sightseeing trip and to show my cast in Germany’s capital as #AccidentalTourist. I really enjoyed the stay and publicking with my casted arm…
08 Feb 202: videos recovered
Continue reading »My #black #pink #fibercast #lats worn in Denmark during our #CastCamp. Initially it was a #SSS that was cut into pieces to enjoy the spa and swimmingpool on our annual cast fest…
05 Feb 2021: videos recovered
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