2014-01 slc – CastCamp
#CastCamp in Denmark. The #black LLC from before was cut down to a #SLC so that I could enter the whirlpool 😀 But still my long toes are presented on the sexy #toeplate
04 May 2020: pix added
Continue reading »Probably the largest gay cast fetish site in the world!
#CastCamp in Denmark. The #black LLC from before was cut down to a #SLC so that I could enter the whirlpool 😀 But still my long toes are presented on the sexy #toeplate
04 May 2020: pix added
Continue reading »I celebrated the welcome of the year 2015 in a #black #fibercast #slwc with #castshoe I spent a week with friends in a pretty nice holiday house as #AccidentalTourist with a lot of relaxing possibilities and enjoyed myself and the great cast I got from a fellow caster friend!
05 Apr 2020: videos added
Continue reading »#CastCamp in Denmark. A #black #LLC worn for 5 days before I cut it down to a SLC…
29 Mar 2020: videos added
Continue reading »Broken thumb. Casted hand. Went on a holiday trip as #AccidentalTourist with some friends. Had lots of fun. Drank lots of beer – was able to hold the glass with the casted arm. Smoked a pipe – was able to hold the pipe with the short arm cast. Had lots of fun with this #black #fibercast #sats
28 Jan 2020: more pix added
Continue reading »A little #CastFest in mid Germany with 7 people in a nice house in the mid-mountains of our country. We had really lot of fun during this great weekend. I spent the time with a #green #llc with #castshoe and a #black #lats. We went out for a lots of sightseeing to show of my broken knee and broken arm! Also the others had some sexy colored #fibercast!
16 Dec 2019: more pix added
Continue reading »Some pix of my #black #fibercast #slwc with an unstrapable walking heel. It was a cast on our annual #CastCamp and at the last evening, I went into the whirlpool with the cast.
Continue reading »A new years eve blac #LAC worn for a week in Hamburg. We visited a caster couple “over the years” and the applied me this really sexy #black #fibercast on my left arm. I spent nearly a week there in during my holidays in Hamburg…
Continue reading »Just a quicky for a weekend: A #black fibercast #SLWC to enjoy the september sun and publick a bit on a sightseeing trip nearby…
Continue reading »Broken knee wrapped in a #black full leg cast! Did some great photo shootings in this hughe and restrictive #llwc with #castshoe . Of course, I went out to public this sexy cast and share it with some friends…
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