2007-08 lac
A holiday-cast made in Spain. A #blue #fibercast #lac made of 3M SoftCast to be removed by scissors. I kept it for a couple of days and a nice shooting on the rocks above the sea…
Continue reading »Probably the largest gay cast fetish site in the world!
A holiday-cast made in Spain. A #blue #fibercast #lac made of 3M SoftCast to be removed by scissors. I kept it for a couple of days and a nice shooting on the rocks above the sea…
Continue reading »Visiting Colone with a broken leg in a short leg walking cast. Did lots of sightseeing in this really great gay city and publicked a lot with this sexy cast. Really rare #fibercast color for Europe: a #gray (!) #slwc with #toeplate and #castshoe .
Continue reading »During a caster meeting in 2006, we founded our annual cast fest in Denmark. #CastCamp in Denmark was born and I wore a #white #fibercast #slwc with #toeplate and #walkingheel . It is a walking cast and a cycling cast!
Continue reading »Got this massive hughe restrictive shoulder cast after a surgery of my left shoulder. Could do anything with my left arm. It just was sticking all the time in front of my nose and it was really hard to come around. Even dressing was impossible, so I was half naked all the time, although all my torso was coverd by this #blue #fibercast #sss.
Continue reading »A #term cast #safs with 3 finger in made of #blue and #white #fibercast. I wore it for 3 weeks and got lots of signatures on it. Was my first arm term cast. And my last one since now…
Continue reading »A #white #fibercast #safs worn for a long weekend. I got lots of signatures on it since I went out with it on parties and with some friends…
Continue reading »My #green #fibercast #llwc worn for a couple of days in sunny april of 2003. Acurally a great cast and easy to walk in. Finally, I got a visit from an other caster and we had a really great time twosome!!!
Continue reading »One of my favourite set of pix: the #red #fibercast #lats worn for a whole week in 2003. One of those pix got my avatar pic for many many years and this cast is definetely one of my best ones ever!
Enjoy the probably famoust set of pix of The Gay-Skater-Caster!
Continue reading »My first rec #term cast ever: a plastercast safts after “breaking” my all finger in a door. I wore it for 6 weeks at university and all my mates signed it. This was when I was infected with the rec-cast-virus… This #safs made of #fibercast in #pink — only real men wear pink! In combination with the skater style definetely an eye catcher over the weekend and lots of fun on playgrounds and in gay bars…
Continue reading »One of my first casts. Far befor I got a digital camera I applied myself this #pink #fibercast #safs for a weekend. It was super restrictive and a great adventure!
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