2015-09 llc

After an achilles tendon rupture I got his heavy restrictive full leg cast with 90 degree angle in my knee and pointing down foot. It was heavy to walk with since I couldn’t even touch the ground with my toes. I had to hop around on #crutches all the time! I chose signal #red as color for this #fibercast #llc to publick together with a fellow caster in southern Germany as #AccidentalTourist for a long weekend.

08 Dec 2021: videos added

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The CastCamp FAQ – 2022

Good news, my friends of rigid bandages! We set the date for the next Cast Camp in 2022! We hope, this gives you enough time to adjust your planning and the world to get mostly rid of the pandemic. So if everything goes well, we shall go to mid Denmark to the west coast of the North Sea and the region is called Blåvand. Start date is 19 Mar 2022!

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