As #accidentalTourist with my #brokenWrist in a #black #softCast #sats under the sun of the Canarian Islands! In the heard…
An exciting #CastFest in Berlin with Xandircaster. I spent some amazing days in a #green #slc with #crutches in Germany's…
With my #kneebrace #MediM4s as an #AccidentalTourist on the Mediterranean island of Malta. I had the chance to spend full…
At this years #CastCamp I had the chance to wear a good old #plaster #LLC! I wore this cast for…
An exciting adventure with a #plastercast #lats applied by a cute fellow caster as #AccidentalTourist in mid Germany. I had…
Had a grave knee injury and thus I had to wear this #blue full leg cast for a week. I…
During our annual #CastCamp I had the chance to wear a really sexy single shoulder spica #sss! The special effect…
My #red #llwc with #walkingheel during a great #CastFest in mid Germany with 4 great guys! One #brokenleg is boring.…
My broken elbow in a #green #armcast. Was an exciting time with my #brokenarm in the #fibercast and I had…
Ready for my autumn escape to the Canarian Islands as #AccidentalTourist with a #blue #softcast #term #sats! Heading for the…