Full 6 days in this great and tight #blue #lats. Went on party and visited some friends that dont know that it was a rec #armcast. I told them, that I had a #brokenarm and that I had to wear this cast for weeks. The sling helped me a lot getting around with this super comfortable #fibercast
02 Jan 2024: xxx videos added
Some #videos of this adventure
Enjoy some #xxx rated pictures
Find some jerk-off #XXXvideos here…
An exciting #CastFest with a total of 5 caster! We spent a long weekend at…
An exciting four-some with CastmanDE, SenakerCaster and XandirCaster in norther Germany. We spent a long…
My cast number 200 worn at the #fetish event #FolsomEurope in Berlin. A great queer…
Dear fellow Caster This year was really extraordinary in many dimensions. The #CastCamp turned 18…
My first cast in 2022 shall be my favorite one: an #llc with #crutches! I…
My Spring Break #orange #slwc with a super cozy but rock hard #toeplate and the…