I celebrated the welcome of the year 2015 in a #black #fibercast #slwc with #castshoe I spent a week with friends in a pretty nice holiday house as #AccidentalTourist with a lot of relaxing possibilities and enjoyed myself and the great cast I got from a fellow caster friend!
05 Apr 2020: videos added
Enjoy some #xxx rated pictures
Some #videos of this adventure
My cast number 200 worn at the #fetish event #FolsomEurope in Berlin. A great queer…
My #gray #lats worn at the #CSD parade in Verden. I support the first #pride…
A revival of the #CastroomCasterConvention #CCC. We had this "little brother" of the #CastCamp already…
The #pride demonstration in Bremen with a #green #lats. It was an amazing experience attending…
Enjoying the private pool time in southern spain with a #lats. Can you imagine a…
Summer #pride escape to the Canarian island Gran Canaria for the summer #CSD with my…