My first rec #term cast ever: a plastercast safts after “breaking” my all finger in a door. I wore it for 6 weeks at university and all my mates signed it. This was when I was infected with the rec-cast-virus… This #safs made of #fibercast in #pink — only real men wear pink! In combination with the skater style definetely an eye catcher over the weekend and lots of fun on playgrounds and in gay bars…
My cast number 200 worn at the #fetish event #FolsomEurope in Berlin. A great queer…
My #gray #lats worn at the #CSD parade in Verden. I support the first #pride…
A revival of the #CastroomCasterConvention #CCC. We had this "little brother" of the #CastCamp already…
The #pride demonstration in Bremen with a #green #lats. It was an amazing experience attending…
Enjoying the private pool time in southern spain with a #lats. Can you imagine a…
Summer #pride escape to the Canarian island Gran Canaria for the summer #CSD with my…